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In a galaxy far, far away on my fingernails...

In a galaxy far, far away on my fingernails... - lately a lot of blogs that discuss about technology including this blog Gadget Team but we have experienced for years to present information about the gadget is accurate and latest, now we will discuss about In a galaxy far, far away on my fingernails... please refer to the infomrasi we will give because we has collected a lot of data from trusted sources to create this article:

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In a galaxy far, far away on my fingernails...

Oh hey there. Maybe you can't tell from the bad laptop webcam photo but...
I have a galaxy on the tips of my fingers. 
I am also the proud owner of a Star Wars lunch box.
Hmmm. Yes.

sidenote: bella needs to do math homework. bella does not really want to. so instead she put like 9 layers of nail polish and glitter on her fingers and hummed Star Wars tunes to herself. Yes, yes she did.

so much information about In a galaxy far, far away on my fingernails...

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