Hello programmers!!
Have you ever wondered how people use that effect, in C++ console applications, in which they make characters appear after a certain time. Like they say "loading..." and the cots appear one by one at a particular time interval. This effect looks very cool and makes the applications look very professional.Also see : Basic Algorithms 101 : Checking the validity of an email address (simple beginner approach)
This 'effect' is called delay. Delay is a more professional term used for some thing that happens a little later than it is expected to happen. This is used in c++ intentionally to either create an 'effect' or to easy the procedures of the application for the user. Like there are many http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/a-cool-application-of-delay-function-in.html" target="_blank"> uses of the delay function.
Usually in C++ the output appears in the console as soon as it is executed. This might make it look like the application is made by a http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/learn-python-download-ebook-and-software.html" target="_blank">newbie programmer.
Also see : http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/c-code-to-shut-down-computer-want-to-do.html" target="_blank">How to shutdown your pc using C++ code
This function is widely used in http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/easiest-way-to-make-black-jack-in-c.html" target="_blank">making console games in C++. Games are very spontaneous applications. They should not look like they are a set of codes. It should look interactive and spontaneous. So delay is used in games to get a proper timing of things. Like I mentioned earlier, "loading..." is an example. The dots in "loading..." keep appearing and dispersing one by on at a defined time interval. This time interval is controlled by the delay function.
Another example of where the delay function is used in C++ is during animation. Animation in C++ is not exactly animation. Its just a perfectly timed appearance and disappearance or characters. To achieve this 'timing', the delay function is very important. For example if you want to http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/simulate-bouncing-ball-using-c.html" target="_blank">simulate a bouncing ball in c++, you have to make sure that the ball appears only in one place at a time. Or the ball would appear along the whole path of where the ball is suppose to travel. So it is made sure that the ball appears in each place at a certain time after the execution of the program.
Also see : http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/how-to-copy-any-text-to-turbo-c_16.html" target="_blank">How to copy any text to the turbo C++ compiler.
Using the delay function in C++ is not any rocket science. In fact it is one of the easiest functions to use. But the timing of display should be used smartly. Which can be achieved over time and also by trial and error.
Header file : #include <dos.h >
Syntax : delay(time); (replace time with the amount of time delay you want)
(Both without the quotes.)
Header file : dos.h header file contains functions for handling interrupts, producing sound, date and time functions etc. It is Borland specific and works in turbo c++ compiler only. It also contains functions like getdate, gettime, nosound, setdate, sleep and sound.
Syntax : Delay is the name of the function. ( ) contains the argument of the function. In this function, the argument is time. It is the amount of time delay the programmer desires. And this time should be specified in milliseconds. And of course ";" is the end statement. If you din't know that, you really shouldn't be reading this post.
All functions, outputs, inputs or any processes written after this, will get executed after the time delay specified.
For Example :
cout << " * " ;
Here the asterisk (*) will be printed on the screen after a delay of 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds = 3 seconds).
Hope this post helped you in understanding "how to use the delay function in C++ ". Enjoy the delay and keep experimenting with and you will discover cool ways of using it.
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Happy coding!!
Have you ever wondered how people use that effect, in C++ console applications, in which they make characters appear after a certain time. Like they say "loading..." and the cots appear one by one at a particular time interval. This effect looks very cool and makes the applications look very professional.Also see : Basic Algorithms 101 : Checking the validity of an email address (simple beginner approach)
Also see : http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2015/12/checking-for-email-address-validity.html"> Basic Algorithms 101 : Checking the validity of an email address (simple beginner approach)
Usually in C++ the output appears in the console as soon as it is executed. This might make it look like the application is made by a http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/learn-python-download-ebook-and-software.html" target="_blank">newbie programmer.
Also see : http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/c-code-to-shut-down-computer-want-to-do.html" target="_blank">How to shutdown your pc using C++ code
This function is widely used in http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/easiest-way-to-make-black-jack-in-c.html" target="_blank">making console games in C++. Games are very spontaneous applications. They should not look like they are a set of codes. It should look interactive and spontaneous. So delay is used in games to get a proper timing of things. Like I mentioned earlier, "loading..." is an example. The dots in "loading..." keep appearing and dispersing one by on at a defined time interval. This time interval is controlled by the delay function.
Another example of where the delay function is used in C++ is during animation. Animation in C++ is not exactly animation. Its just a perfectly timed appearance and disappearance or characters. To achieve this 'timing', the delay function is very important. For example if you want to http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/simulate-bouncing-ball-using-c.html" target="_blank">simulate a bouncing ball in c++, you have to make sure that the ball appears only in one place at a time. Or the ball would appear along the whole path of where the ball is suppose to travel. So it is made sure that the ball appears in each place at a certain time after the execution of the program.
Also see : http://bpcyclingteam.blogspot.com /2013/05/how-to-copy-any-text-to-turbo-c_16.html" target="_blank">How to copy any text to the turbo C++ compiler.
Using the delay function in C++ is not any rocket science. In fact it is one of the easiest functions to use. But the timing of display should be used smartly. Which can be achieved over time and also by trial and error.
How to use it in the program :
Header file : #include <dos.h >
Syntax : delay(time); (replace time with the amount of time delay you want)
(Both without the quotes.)
Explanation :
Header file : dos.h header file contains functions for handling interrupts, producing sound, date and time functions etc. It is Borland specific and works in turbo c++ compiler only. It also contains functions like getdate, gettime, nosound, setdate, sleep and sound.
Syntax : Delay is the name of the function. ( ) contains the argument of the function. In this function, the argument is time. It is the amount of time delay the programmer desires. And this time should be specified in milliseconds. And of course ";" is the end statement. If you din't know that, you really shouldn't be reading this post.
How it works :
All functions, outputs, inputs or any processes written after this, will get executed after the time delay specified.
For Example :
cout << " * " ;
Here the asterisk (*) will be printed on the screen after a delay of 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds = 3 seconds).
Hope this post helped you in understanding "how to use the delay function in C++ ". Enjoy the delay and keep experimenting with and you will discover cool ways of using it.
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thank you
Happy coding!!
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