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Samsung pushes by Google And Android to comply with its IU field

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Samsung pushes by Google And Android to comply with its IU field

Love him or hate, customizing Android sauce Samsung has never really appealed to Google. The Touchwiz overlay developed by Samsung and distributed on smartphones and tablets of the brand, has always seemed too busy and too far from the ambitions of sobriety giant.
When Samsung unveiled its new interface, called UI Magazine, it came almost in the crime of treason. The user interface includes elements of Touchwiz, but also borrows many visual codes ... Modern UI design adopted by Microsoft Windows and Windows Phone.
IU Magazine abandoned or revised
Google has decided to put pressure on Samsung to cease to transform Android to the point that really recognizes the mobile operating system at first sight. According Re / code , the two companies have therefore put things developed at the last CES, and Samsung should return to closer to Google's vision development.
Touchwiz, IU Magazine, CES, preinstalled, Cyanogen, ModMIUI, Tizen, LG Nexus, Nexus 4, Ubuntu, Canonical, Samsung, Smartphone
Magazine UI interface
Magazine UI should return to more sober, and more friendly interface of an Android Google Play edition category. Magazine UI present on Galaxy Note 3 or Galaxy 10.1 tablet (version 2014) will either change dramatically or be totally abandoned, says the American newspaper.
Another loser of the card game which apparently played at CES: Samsung proprietary applications. Some should be abandoned in favor developed by Google Android solutions. It is unclear what will happen to third-party applications preinstalled on smartphones and tablets Samsung today.
A desire to standardize Google 
Besides the changes that this will bring to Samsung device users, this raises two important questions for the future of Android. First, it seems that Google continues its uniform user experience on Android strategy. He started with the Nexus, accelerated with Google Play edition smartphones, and does not seem to want to stop.
Does this mean a smaller opening? The giant could he go to refuse certification to certain products (which allows access to Google Play Store and Google applications suite) due to design deviant? Opening leased system would take a big hit.
We do, however, is not there yet. Especially since Google has also shown some signs of easing in recent agreeing to affix its stamp on the Oppo with a custom ROM CyanogenMod Android instead of the basic version. What MIUI, for example, did not.
Should we seek the difference between CyanogenMod (pretty close to stock Android) and MIUI (very roundabout) in the user interface, precisely? Especially that nudges provided by Google from manufacturers second class do not come into play when it comes to Samsung, the leading manufacturer and seller of Android smartphones.
What consideration for Samsung? 
The other issue is the consideration paid by Google to Samsung. Which card giant had to give the South Korean manufacturer, yet in search of empowerment - and even if his plans with Tizen not occur yet not as expected ?
The agreement between the two companies on patents is mentioned as an explanatory factor.Admittedly it will be an interesting support for Samsung regularly embroiled in legal disputes over intellectual property. But Re / code launches another track: Google has agreed to work with Samsung on a Nexus device.
This would be good news for the manufacturer, while his latest collaboration with Google date of Galaxy Nexus, launched in 2011. Since then, Google has preferred to work with the LG Nexus Nexus 4 and 5.
But a return to Samsung on this front would be in complete contradiction with the rumor of the Nexus range of abandonment by the giant, who would prefer to develop its strategy with Google Play edition devices. Unless the two companies have another agreement not revealed?

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