There has been handful of accounts in Nepali film industry for movies based on the life of political leaders or some remarkable events in Nepalese history. Movies like Bir Ganeshman, Das Dhunga are among those that have created a hype but are not able to be treated as a significant work in Nepali movie industry. They just came and went, without being a stepping stone to further such works in Nepali cinema.
Now it is known that an untitled movie is known to be made on the life of popular Nepali leader and writer Bisheshwor Prasad Koirala ( BP koirala in short). BP Chintan Prasthan is going to produce the movie with a budget of Rs 80 lakh. Chairman of the chintan pratisthan Haribol Bhattarai inaugurated the shooting of the movie at Sundarijal, marking his death anniversary and the 100th birth anniversary year. The movie is written by Dipendra Dahal and known to feature his personal life, political and literature career, including his relationship with king, other political leaders and not forgetting the democratic struggle he had fought all his life. It is not clear if the movie script has anything to do with his autobiographies Jail Journal and Mero Katha. He was also the first democratically elected prime minister of Nepal, who was soon ousted by King Mahendra after 18 months in office. He had spent several years in exile and jail. He is still believed to be the most influential and patriotic leader of Nepal. His party Nepali Congress, the oldest one is still the major stakeholder in Nepali politics. Though it would be good if all Nepali people follow his path, it would matter in a big way if NC leaders, cadres follow BPs path.
So this movie has huge potential in reaching out to more people to help people know him better and his ideologies but there is a big challenge in giving justice to such renowned persons life. Lets think they must have done enough research before doing this movie to yield good result. My good wishes to the team.
Now it is known that an untitled movie is known to be made on the life of popular Nepali leader and writer Bisheshwor Prasad Koirala ( BP koirala in short). BP Chintan Prasthan is going to produce the movie with a budget of Rs 80 lakh. Chairman of the chintan pratisthan Haribol Bhattarai inaugurated the shooting of the movie at Sundarijal, marking his death anniversary and the 100th birth anniversary year. The movie is written by Dipendra Dahal and known to feature his personal life, political and literature career, including his relationship with king, other political leaders and not forgetting the democratic struggle he had fought all his life. It is not clear if the movie script has anything to do with his autobiographies Jail Journal and Mero Katha. He was also the first democratically elected prime minister of Nepal, who was soon ousted by King Mahendra after 18 months in office. He had spent several years in exile and jail. He is still believed to be the most influential and patriotic leader of Nepal. His party Nepali Congress, the oldest one is still the major stakeholder in Nepali politics. Though it would be good if all Nepali people follow his path, it would matter in a big way if NC leaders, cadres follow BPs path.
So this movie has huge potential in reaching out to more people to help people know him better and his ideologies but there is a big challenge in giving justice to such renowned persons life. Lets think they must have done enough research before doing this movie to yield good result. My good wishes to the team.
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